We’ll get you there, looking good.

Last minute exhibition strategies

Last minute exhibition? We can help

Ever had a last minute exhibition?  Maybe you got a deal that was too good to miss. Or maybe you just left it all too late.  Or somebody dropped you in it..  Whatever the reason if you only have a short time to get your exhibition sorted out don’t panic, we can almost certainly help.
Our standard turnaround time is five working days but we can work overtime and/or weekends to do it in less time if that’s the way it has to be – we know that the Show Must Go On.  We do, however make a 10% rush charge for less than five clear working days from receipt/sign-off of print-ready artwork because other customers already have their place in the queue and they too have cast iron exhibition deadlines.

The art of the last minute exhibition.

We are proud to say that we have not missed an exhibition deadline in over 25 years in the business.  We will pull out all the stops without cutting corners.  But, with the best will in the World, we can’t work miracles. We will be straightforward about telling you the score.  In the immortal words of David Bowie “If we say we can’t do it, we can’t do it – we don’t make false claims”.

The other thing to be said here is that we do need payment up front so please do everything you can to help yourself and get your pro-forma invoice paid by BACS or card or Paypal so that we can press the print button.


Truly great customer service is what we love to provide. You will find us super-helpful and responsive.  We know that exhibiting is a stressful thing so we build trusting relationships and our customers thank us for taking care of them. Your Fresco contacts are here to help