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We’ll get you there, looking good.

Last minute exhibition strategies

Last minute exhibition? We can help Ever had a last minute exhibition?  Maybe you got a deal that was too good to miss. Or maybe you just left it all too late.  Or somebody dropped you in it..  Whatever the reason if you only have a short time to get your exhibition sorted out don’t […]

Top tips to attract and engage visitors at your exhibition stand

Attract visitors to your exhibition stand

Article taken from the following link written by By: Richard Edwards, Director Quatreus Ltd Making the most of your exhibition stand involves focusing on two key things; attracting visitors to your stand and interacting with them once they are there. If you get it right you can expect new connections, increased conversions and plenty of new business […]


4 seconds is the approximate time it takes someone to walk past a 3m x 3m exhibition booth. This means as an exhibitor you have very little time to capture potential customer’s attention. Here are a few tips on how to attract people to your stand: High impact graphics. Effective graphics can create instant interest, […]