Inspired Huddersfield Festival 2016
13th May 2016
Exhibition teamwork
As a practical example of exhibition teamwork last week we printed these excellent designs by University Of Huddersfield for the Inspired Huddersfield Festival 2016 Art, Design and Architecture event. We have made a little time-lapse video showing the process of making up their banners and they have shared a video showing a behind the scenes of the branding and an interesting description of the process. Fresco exhibition teamwork underpinned their own exhibition teamwork.
“The concept of our branding for the ‘Inspired Huddersfield’ festival came around because we wanted to create a new identity for the graduate shows of the school.
We had to collate nine different exhibitions and various research and industry events under one single identity – but as we’re such a broad school of many different skills and talents we had to be incredibly careful that we didn’t single out individual mediums and show favour or promote one course over any others.
Creativity is at the heart of the School of Art, Design and Architecture and so we had to find something that would clearly express this.
Looking at the branding of the previous year (which was the first year of the Inspired Huddersfield festival), we built on the idea of colour and water but tried to offer a fresh new perspective.
We started by looking at styles that were currently on trend and on topic, investigated what kinds of things had been used before – both successful and not – and what directions had not yet been explored. We went through various iterations and concepts of the design with colour and water central to the idea.
In the end, this resulted in something quite experimental, striking and contemporary which not only represents the creativity and imagination apparent in each individual course of Art, Design and Architecture but also supports the School’s overarching message and vision to ‘push boundaries and aspirations’.”
Case studies