Does the cost of the graphic panel include print?
Yes it does
What turnaround times can I expect?
We like a minimum of 5 working days from receipt of print ready artwork, we do prefer longer time frames if possible just to allow for any eventuality. If you need your order sooner, just give us a call and we will try to accommodate you where we can, we do however apply a 10% rush charge for this service.
How do Curvorama panels join?
The top and bottom rails of each graphic panel join with magnetic locator pegs which automatically align the graphics. Using a special hang flat media, a margin of print is then allowed in the design of each graphic panel that matches the next panel. This is so that once the panels are joined the print slightly overlaps to give you a continuous image.
How tall is Curvorama?
Curvorama panels are produced to a height of 2.3m tall for wall-mounting to shell schemes. Curvorama is produced to 2.2m tall when used free-standing with legs and feet.
How is Curvorama packed up?
Each graphic panel comes in an individual packing bag with carry handle.
1. Roll the Graphic around the Roller Tube, image outwards
2 Put the Graphic and the Roller Tube into the Packing Bag
3. If you have Legs and Feet for your Curvorama put them inside the Roller Tube
Or, if you have Wall-Mounting Clips put them into their Packing Bag
4. Put the Bags into your Holdall or Wheeled Case.
No need to remember these instructions – they are printed on the Packing Bags.
Can I set it up on my own?
Yes. And no tools are needed.
What if I need a different graphic?
You can just buy more and swap them with, or add them to, your existing graphic panels. No need to buy new legs and feet or wall-mounting clips if you are just swapping as these can just be attached to the new graphic.
I want to line a shell scheme. What will I need?
See our helpful Shell Scheme Planner
How do I put it up?
Have a look at our instructional video here If that doesn’t answer your Curvorama FAQs just give us a call.
Curvorama – The Revolutionary Portable Display (Official video) from Fresco on Vimeo.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you still have a Curvorama question.
01422 246634